The Stone in Daniel Two: The S.D.A. Deception Exposed!

by sighandcry on August 6, 2016

Daniel 2: The Mighty Stone that comes from the Mountain

Take a close look at the prophetic chart above. It may be hard to believe that the leaders of our beloved Seventh-day Adventist Church are purposely leading their flocks astray by teaching man made theories in the place of truth of what this chart shows. For example, the contemporary teaching that the stone in Daniel chapter 2 is Christ in person is a total fraud that entered the church in 1944 through the revised edition of Uriah Smith’s book “Daniel and Revelation”. In the video presentation below the facts are plainly presented from source material found in church publications to prove the case.

It seems that an unnamed committee of men changed the teaching of the Adventist pioneers of the stone in Dan. 2:45 representing Christ’s kingdom to Christ Himself coming at the second advent. These unnamed scholars deliberately changed the words of a dead man (Uriah Smith) in order to slip in the counterfeit doctrine in a desperate attempt to counteract the prominent teaching coming from the original Shepherd’s Rod study chart shown above that proves that the stone coming from the mountain represents the 144,000 purified saints who will preach the Loud Cry. For systematic proof from the Bible on the identity of this stone, please view the following presentation:


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